
Electricity And Some Of The Great Minds Behind It

Embedded in almost everything we do, electricity has firmly made itself an essential in these modern times. However, there was a time when electricity was under quarantine and was taken almost as a mystical force. It’s true that sparkling cables can still appear mystical, but we’ve managed to develop a greater understanding of this powerful entity.

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Even though we really like using the term “invented”, it’s important to understand that electricity is a form of energy that has always been occurring in nature. Now there’s a difference between “invention” and “discovery”. When it comes to who discovered electricity, there are many misconceptions around. In the 1930’s archeologists discovered pots with sheets of copper inside that they believe were ancient batteries meant to produce light during ancient Roman times. This means that humans were curious about electricity for centuries, even in the most early ages. But the most crucial era in the history of electricity is the 17th century. In 1729 Stephen Grey discovered the conduction of electricity which offered a whole new dimension; in the year 1733 Charles Francois du Fay discovered that the forms of electricity can be either vitreous or resinous and later, Benjamin Franklin and Ebenezer Kinnersley named these forms as positive and negative.

In the 20th century, people around the world were introduced to the final draft of electricity. The inventions made by many scientists such as Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Samuel Morse and George Westinghouse changed the world completely. Their inventions such as the electric bulb and the motors were a huge breakthrough in the overall science and human evolution. This takes us to the conclusion that it wasn’t just one person who discovered electricity. While the concept of electricity was known for thousands of years, when it was time to be developed commercially, there were several great minds working on the problem at the same time.

Today, electricity is the backbone of society. It stands behind the proper work of all households, hospitals, schools, transport and so much more. These days we even buy electrical supplies online for our households or in the case of electricians, for the households of other people too. It’s of a paramount importance that all electrical supplies we purchase comply with the Australian standards and regulations. That’s why you should be extra careful when you buy electrical supplies online. This means that you have to make sure you find some reviews or articles about the manufacturer and carefully read the features of the product you intend to purchase.

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