Industrial Equipment

Newest Mining Technology From Caterpillar

The mining companies are always looking for new ways to improve the mine site safety, reduce the mining costs, increase the profitability and to improve the efficiency of the mining machinery. One world-known company that allows you to do just that is Caterpillar. With its new mining technology, Cat MineStar System, Caterpillar helps you to achieve better results on the mining site. The Cat MineStar System comes with a new and innovative capability sets which make your mining machinery more efficient on the job site. Cat MineStar System helps you to handle everything more easily on the mining site, such as material handling and tracking tasks, advanced fleet management, machinery health system, autonomous mining machinery system and lot more. The main capability sets of the new Cat Mine Star System: Terrain, Fleet, Health, Detect and Command, can be used either individually or in combination with a purpose to increase the flexibility and the scalability of the mining machinery on the job site.


Fleet. Fleet is a innovative and cutting edge mining technology that makes the mining job much safer and more productive. This capability set in the Cat MineStar System is specially designed to deliver comprehensive mining machinery monitoring and operation control. It is configurable for any type of surface mining operation for meeting unique needs on the mining site. Fleet allows real time mining machinery tracking which enables you to manage your mining operations more efficiently. It also helps you to reduce the costs and to improve the productivity level. Fleet is capable to work with all mining machinery from Cat and with machines from other mining equipment manufacturers.

Terrain. Terrain is a next generation mining technology that helps every mining company around the world to be more productive and profitable on the mining site. As a capability set within the Cat MineStar System, Terrain allows you and your mining machinery to significantly improve the productivity and the efficiency in every mining operation. Terrain offers innovative mining machinery guidance and material management capabilities for dragline, drilling, loading and grading operations. Terrain delivers comprehensive capabilities for different types of mining machinery. This set can help you to improve the performance and to achieve the desired results on the mining site.

Detect. Cat’s Detect is an advanced mining technology that gives mining machinery operators essential information about potential dangers and hazards around the machines. This way, Detect helps you by making your mining operations more efficient and safer. This Cat MineStar capability set works with different mining machinery in underground and surface operations. Detect is specially programed to inform the operators of the mining machinery about their working environment. This capability set is programed to automatically turn off any mining machine when unauthorized personnel is being detected in the critical mining zones. Detect is an important advancement in the mining operations, helping the mining personnel to do their job more efficiently, confidently and more safely around the mining site.

Command. The autonomous mining operations of the future are now reality thanks to the innovative capability set for Cat- Command. This set combines several capability sets, including Fleet, Terrain, Detect and Health, enabling you to increase the productivity, safety and the performance on the job site. Command is a cutting edge and innovative capability set that offers remote control, semi autonomous or fully autonomous systems for big mining machinery, such as mining trucks, tracked mining tractors, drills and longwall systems. By combining proven technologies with innovative remote sensing and guidance, the Command systems can work safely and efficiently with every mining machinery around the job site.

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