Tote handbags are an essential, a must-have in any woman’s handbag collection. They are one of the most sought-after styles of handbags because they are so versatile. Tote handbags come in all different shapes, sizes, colours and are practical for day, night and working environments.
- The classic black tote is one of the most sought after and most versatile tote handbags. I would consider this a staple in any woman’s closet. You can wear it day and night or even to the office. If you plan to invest in a classic black tote I would suggest investing in a high quality, sturdy material such as leather. A black leather tote is easy to clean and is durable enough not to show signs of wear and tear so easily.
- Taupe/Nude tote is an absolute must have, and one of the most sought-after variations. Once again an extremely versatile colour that pairs well with almost any outfit. Suitable for day, night or office wear. There are so many shades of taupe and nude totes you will certainly find one that matches your closet.
- Office tote is another must-have. Now depending on your needs, there are plenty of options when it comes to choosing a tote suitable for your office that is both convenient and stylish. You can find a vast array of colours suited to your work wardrobe and a large enough design to fit your laptop, books, etc.
- A coloured tote can add that pop of colour to liven up any outfit and the options really are endless. Maybe a red tote to liven up a neutral work outfit, there are countless options to choose from. With many different colours, finishes and embellishments available it is time for something totally fun!
- Beach tote is my definition of versatile? A tote really can be used anywhere. The best materials beach tote handbags are probably the woven ones. There are nautical themed totes, plain straw woven designs, even printed straw designs with all different sizes you could fit everything you need for the beach.
- Metallic finish tote handbags are perfect for a night out in a bar, and are much more convenient than clutches. With a tote you actually have room to put your things in. You could also incorporate it into a day look that would stand out from the crowd. Or even a plain tote with some metallic embellishments if you want to be more low-key.
- Fringed tote handbags have become a staple in nearly every woman’s closest, and are perfect for festival season. A fringed tote is not for the faint of heart, it is defiantly for the fashion-forward woman. You can find them in an array of colours, lengths and sizes. Tan and black are the classics and are perfect to fit all your festival necessities in, or even for a day out.
- A canvas tote is perfect for shopping, it’s almost like a super stylish version of a shopping bag. Coming in different sizes, the canvas tote is really durable and it comes in so many prints you will certainly find something that is suited to your taste.
- Animal-print tote has become the classic in the last few years so it’s sure to fit right into almost every woman’s wardrobe. They really are so popular and they have become almost as versatile as black and nude totes. With so many outfits and accessories that would match this tote it really is a staple piece for trendy women. Available in so many different materials, sizes and prints you are sure to find something that suits you.
- Printed totes really are all the rage right now; convenience and style all in one. With so many different prints available ranging from polka dots, stripes, plaid, you can find one to fit your personal style and needs.
Whatever your personal style or taste is, tote handbags come in so many shapes, sizes and colours that there is something for everyone, no wonder they’re one of the most sought-after bags season after season.