Electronics, Technology

Everything You Need to Know About the Trend of Electric Skateboards

Evolve Electric Skateboard

Humanity is living in the golden age of transportation options powered by electricity. Over the past years, batteries have become more durable and electric motors have become smaller and more powerful. And as a result, almost everything you can ride is electric these days – from cars to scooters and bikes. But among all of these options, an electric skateboard is the most fun thing to use. And as the demand for them grows, some models, like the Evolve electric skateboard Carbon GTR 2 in 1, have gotten so advanced that they are suitable for everyday use. If you’ve noticed people riding e-boards popping up around your city, you’re probably wondering – What’s the deal with this trend?

Is an Electric Skateboard Worth It?

Evolve E Skateboard

Considering how gas prices are rising all the time, so, more and more people ditch their cars for more economical options. With that being said, riding an electric skateboard to work can be a great way to save some money on gas and preserve your car. A quality model like the Evolve electric skateboard Carbon GTR 2 in 1, costs around $2,200. But this is nothing compared to the cost of running a car. For instance in Sydney, the average weekly running cost for car users is around $430. Just by not driving your car for 5 weeks, you’ll end up saving enough money to purchase a good electric skateboard.

Plus, there’s also the fact that you’ll never get stuck in traffic as you can ride the electric skateboard on the pavement. Starting your day by enjoying the fresh air on your electric board will certainly have you smiling all the way to the office. In addition, you don’t have to worry about finding a parking space or paying for parking tickets, you can simply pick up your board and carry it with you into the office or anywhere you might go. If these reasons aren’t enough, an electric board is so much fun that getting one is totally worth it.

Are Electric Skateboards Safe?

Riding e-Boards

It’s important to stress out that all transport devices (cars, motorbikes, bicycles) can be dangerous. Even a skateboard can lead to serious injuries unless you’re properly protected and the same goes when riding an electric one. Wearing protective gear such as helmets, wrist guards, knee and elbow pads can help prevent injuries if you were to fall down or get into an accident.

What’s more, premium brands like an Evolve electric skateboard come with regenerative braking which makes them a lot safer than using your feet or body-weight to slow down. In addition, skateboards with regenerative breaking also have hub motors which are generally safer and more efficient than belt motors.

It’s also important to stress out that how safe an electric skateboard is will greatly depend on how you ride it. Riding on wet roads is generally not a smart idea, as well as riding down staircases. Excess speeds are also more likely to lead to a crash as the rider has less time to react.

What Electric Skateboard Should I Buy?

Riding electric Board

As there are hundreds of models of electric boards on the market, picking the right one for you can be overwhelming. If you want to get plenty of use out of your board, make sure to pick a versatile model that can work equally well on the pavement as well as on gravel. The ability for the board to swap between standard and off-road wheels can certainly come in handy when you want to ride on some rough terrain.

In addition, you need to consider the weight and length of the board as these factors can affect how portable it is. A board that’s too big and heavy can end up being annoying to carry it around. With that being said, it’s best to look for a lighter board that is just enough long enough to fit your feet. However, make sure that the board has enough weight capacity to support you. There are also boards designed to support heavy weights and run at a good speed at the same time.

How durable your electric board will be, depends on the material it’s made of. Avoid buying a plastic board that can crack or break at the slightest knock. What you should look for instead is an electric skateboard made of bamboo. Bamboo boards are some of the best ones as they are flexible and do not break easily when affected by bumps, knocks or heavy weights.

Besides a durable board, you also need to make sure the wheels are strong as well. You don’t want to pay a great deal of money for an e-board only to have the wheels break. Wheels that are made from urethane are known for their resistance against abrasions and impact from the ground. In addition, it’s equally important that the wheels are the right size. Bigger wheels offer a smooth and stable ride and as a result, can help increase your safety.

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